Our Photo Gallery
Story about K-1 OWL
Here are Claire Gilbert and Liz Wolfe teaching a K-1 grade OWL class about how babies begin. The first three sessions covered essential topics like bodies, gender, and personal safety. The remaining classes then focus on families, the biology of human reproduction, fetal development, caring for infants, and the changes a new baby can bring to a household. OWL provides young students with age-appropriate information to develop a healthy understanding of human reproduction and family life.
Here are Claire Gilbert and Liz Wolfe teaching a K-1 grade OWL class about how babies begin. The first three sessions covered essential topics like bodies, gender, and personal safety. The remaining classes then focus on families, the biology of human reproduction, fetal development, caring for infants, and the changes a new baby can bring to a household. OWL provides young students with age-appropriate information to develop a healthy understanding of human reproduction and family life.
UUCYork hosted an event for red wine, and blue with a viewing of the film Bad Faith. We had a very dynamic and interesting discussion about the impact of Christian white nationalism in the US.
A shout out to our own Ben Witmer for all the great progress he is making on his Eagle Scout project!! He is over 75% complete with the new paver path he is building for us!! A huge thank you to all who are supporting Ben in this process by donating their skills, time and funding the effort.
Construction on the path to the labyrinth has begun!! Ben has made so much progress in just one week of work!! With the guidance of UUCYork's own Jim Hershey we excavated, compacted, laid the stone and sand and started laying the brick path!! A huge thank you to Jim and the Scouts from Troop 94 who came out to help!!
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of York at the International Day of Peace rally in downtown York. #RiseUpYork
Our Campus
Earth-Centered Traditions
Christmas Caroling
Winter Solstice
YWCA Adopt a Family project
Hanging of the Greens
Social Justice
Bocce Ball
Fall Cleanup
Our Garden