Why Pledge to UUCYork
That's Easy! UUCYork is a dynamic, supportive, energetic community. It provides all of us a liberal spiritual home in which to explore and share our beliefs, learn about ourselves and each other, raise our families, and offer our larger community a place to thrive and communal strength for social justice work. That's a lot of which to be proud.
Can't make it to UUCYork? You can download, print, and email your form to [email protected],
or print and mail the form to UUCYork Office, c/o Annual Appeal, 950 South Duke Street, York, PA, 17403.
or print and mail the form to UUCYork Office, c/o Annual Appeal, 950 South Duke Street, York, PA, 17403.
So many ways UUCYork enriches lives...
Music Events: Choir, Drumming Circles, et al.
Fellowship Groups for Youth and Adults Religious Education and OWL For Youth and Adults Shared Pulpit Opportunity Racial Justice PFLAG/LGBTQ Recovering Addicts Our Daily Bread/Food Pantry Garden/Family Gardens Earth-Centered Traditions/Pagan Group Men's and Women's Discussion Group A Talented Staff Charity Knitting Circle |
Please pledge to UUCYork within your means to help make this amazing place be even more amazing.
Please note, UUCYork pays $100 per member to cover Unitarian Universalist Association fees.
Thank you in advance for pledging your support to our amazing spiritual home.
Mari Rosario
Stewardship Chair
[email protected]
Please note, UUCYork pays $100 per member to cover Unitarian Universalist Association fees.
Thank you in advance for pledging your support to our amazing spiritual home.
Mari Rosario
Stewardship Chair
[email protected]
Thank you for your pledge!
Your commitment to financially support UUCY for the 2023-2024 fiscal year is a blessing and gratefully received. It is necessary to complete a new pledge form each year even if you pledged the previous year.
Minister's Discretionary Fund
Members and friends who find themselves in unexpected financial difficulty are encouraged to talk with the Minister about applying for a grant from the Minister's Discretionary Fund. This fund has been used for one-time payments to creditors for emergency situations such as catastrophic medical bills, threatened utility shutoffs, and funeral expenses. Paid pledges and contributions cannot be refunded.
Members and friends who find themselves in unexpected financial difficulty are encouraged to talk with the Minister about applying for a grant from the Minister's Discretionary Fund. This fund has been used for one-time payments to creditors for emergency situations such as catastrophic medical bills, threatened utility shutoffs, and funeral expenses. Paid pledges and contributions cannot be refunded.